giovedì 27 agosto 2009

fluo queen & disco girl

I'm actually in a lime mood and I have so many things in this color, so I decided to use some of my favorite ones to make these two outfits I adore!!

One is a fluo queen, all dressed in this lime tones and the other one is a disco girl with boombox, microphone and vintage headphones.

fluo queen & disco girl_part

fluo queen & disco girl1

fluo queen & disco girl


Fluo queen:
Hair: Allison II, by Fri.

Jacket: Roxy black, by Mimikri
Bra: In a manner of speaking black, by andBean
Shorts: Short on E citrus by Emery
Leggings: Fish scale leggings, by Twee (Designers united limited)

Shoes: Salience golden brown, by Maitreya
Crown: Principe crown, by CheerNo

Disco girl:
Hair: Deena, by Fri.

Top: 5th Ave long top, by Digit Darkess
Leggings: Legging Black, by Maiiki

Shoes: Sugar'n spice, by AW Design
Glasses: Implosion Sunglasses black, by Shade Throne
Headphones and Boombox: Nylon Outfitters
Microphone: normal Mic, by Happy Dispatch (great poses!!!)

2 commenti:

  1. Gyo!!! love your blog!!! gre4at style ass always<3<3<3<3 hugz:)

  2. it has no sense to spam me with those porno "pseudo" comments...cause I won't publish stop doing it or I'll denounce
